How to save money on BT Business Lines and call charges

What is CPS?

  •  Carrier pre Selection uses access codes to route calls and lines via an alternative network and these are implemented at the exchange as opposed to customer’s premises. Therefore as the call reaches the BT exchange, the access code which is administered by OFCOM and only issued to licensed operators tells the exchange where to route the call.

What levels of service and technical features do you offer?

  • We offer exactly the same levels of service as BT and all your line features are transferred with the line.

How can I save money on BT Business Lines and Call charges?

With so many providers offering low cost line rental e.g. £3.99 and unlimited calls and lines included we often wonder where is the catch?

Line rentals in the UK are actually rising and if you would like to keep your bills low, than consider switching. It’s easy and hassle free.

Wherever you are based in the UK, there are different line rental options for your business. There are many UK businesses which have never switched from BT and there are others who have switched to another provider only to find that their all inclusive call packages only include local and national calls which account for approximately 3% of the total bill. Some customers typically are invited to commit to 24 month contracts with high exit penalties are later finding that 6 months into the contract their costs are very high. So what are the factors we should consider when reviewing business tariffs for line rental and calls?

  • In our view the quality of the business telephone services are a prerequisite for any business. At Mint Network we only use Tier 1 carriers like BT, Cable and Wireless or COLT which deliver high quality telephony services at a competitive cost whilst allowing you to retain your BT lines and telephone numbers. All your calls are routed via Carrier Pre Selection (CPS) which means there is no extra equipment or re programming required. All the work is done at the BT exchange and your calls are invoiced by Mint Network.
  •  Many providers including BT now bill per minute with calls being rounded up. In other words a call to voicemail lasting 15 seconds is charged as a 1 minute call! We have found that this can easily add up to 20% on the bill.
  • Connection charges, minimum call charges? You will not find these advertised in any of the advertising campaigns but you will find them in the small print and you will certainly notice their effect (which can add another15%) to your monthly phone bill.
  • Complex pricing tariffs and billing structures, organisations routinely end up paying more than they should or are charged for services they do not have or use – which has a cumulative effect on the bill and your businesses bottom line.
  • Have you been offered 18 or 24 month contracts with line rental at £2.99 or £4.99? Our advice is to stay well away from such offers. They sound extremely tempting but this is all they are designed to do. Our experience tells us that customers who have signed up to these offers have ended up paying a significant premium and more importantly received no support or account management.
  • Account Management: Our research tells us that small business owners and companies who are growing but cannot justify employing an IT or Telecoms managers will appreciate being account managed and will know the benefits of having access to seasoned IT professional who will assist their businesses with IT and Comms strategy as part of the service.
  • Did you know that BT can increase your line rental charge and not tell you? This latter is not strictly true because they will actually publish this information on their web site or in one of their offices. BT has over 23 million customers nationwide and will advise price changes on the web site.

Mint Network specialise in small to medium size businesses because we believe that this market segment needs more advice from our expertise then the large FTSE 250 companies who have their own internal IT staff. We will guide you through the maze of IT and Telecommunications as part of the account management service and consultancy we provide.

  • How are suppliers able to offer attractive rates on 24 month contracts? We had many customers ask this question and the simple answer is as follows:

– We operate in the market where rates are actually falling as the result of deregulation, increased competition and OFCOM legislation. Therefore committing customer to long term contracts means those suppliers will make very profitable returns over contract term without providing very little support and if you choose to terminate contract early, exit would be very costly.

– Secondly many suppliers suffer from the acute lack of after sales care or poor service record so tempting customers in at extremely low rates will cut back attrition rate and guarantee future revenue for the duration of the contract without providing very much in return. Unlike mobile phone operators which as part of the long term contract supply you with a very costly handset device, business line and CPS carriers have no capital investment to recover!

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